- Appointment approval - Drawing Tr - Case study - G.O.(Rt)No.5166/2014/G.Edn Dt. 21/11/2014
- Appointment approval - PET - appointed in the middle of an academic year - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.5167/2014/G.Edn Dt. 21/11/2014
- Genl Edn - Qualifications and methods of appointment for the post of Headmasters Assistant Teachers and Special Teachers appointed to the Schools for the Handicapped-Modified-Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.245/2014/G.Edn Dt. 24/11/2014
- General Education Department-2015-16 academic year- Sanctioning of additional Higher Secondary Schools and batches- Revised -Orders issued. - G.O.(MS)No.247/2014/G.Edn Dt. 24/11/2014
- Judgment in WP© 1337/2014 - Primary HM Promotion - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.4933/2014/G.Edn Dt. 12/11/2014
- Interest Free Medical Advance -Inclusion of Date of Birth and Permanent Employee Number (PEN) in the sanction order - Cir.No.98/2014/Fin Dt. 13/11/2014
- Part Time Instructor through SSA - Instructions cancelled Cir.No. H2/60966/14 - Dt. 24/11/2014
- Official Language Department- Displaying of name boards of official vehicles in Malayalam-Regarding.- Cir.No.12163/OL.3/2014/P&ARD Dt. 28/10/2014
- General Education-S.S.A/R.M.S.A fund-Construction of toilet in 196 school- administrative sanction accorded - G.O.(Rt)No.236/2014/G.Edn Dt. 13/11/2014
- Payment of Pensionary benefits due to orphaned children of deceased Government Employees - Liberalising existing procedure - G.O.(P)No.381/2014/Fin Dt. 01/09/2014
- Permission for purchase of books for School library - "Nilaanirdhari"&"Ramanuthapam" of Sri. Joy Vazhayil. Order Dt. 18/11/2014
- Teaching and non teaching staff in Local Self Governing Dept. - Coming over to Govt service - Option called for - Cir.No. SY1/6080/13/DPI Dt. 10/11/2014
- Approval of appointment of daily wage teacher in leave vacancy in uneconomic school - Case Study - G.O.(Rt)No.5026/201/G.Edn Dt. 17/11/2014
- Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) - Renewal for the year 2015 - Instructions G.O.(P)No.507/2014/Fin Dt. 17/11/2014
- Excess Teachers Deployment 2014-15 - Thiruvananthapuram - Proceedings of DDE Thiruvananthapuram Dt. 07/11/2014
- PSC Departmental Test - Jan-2015 - Notification Dt. 11/11/2014
- Kerala State Insurance Department - Amendment in GO(P) No 530/13/Fin dated : 22-10-2013 (SLI Rules) - Sanctioned - G.O.(P)No.493/2014/Fin Dt. 12/11/2014
- OBC Prematric Scholarship - Sanction of amount - Proceedings of the Director - No. BCDD/A3/1321/14 Dt.13/11/2014
- Posting of Part Time Instructor - Deployment of excess teachers put in abeyance Lr.No.H2/60966/14/DPI Dt. 13/11/2014
- Concession to Children with Special Needs(CWSN) appearing D.Ed Examination- November 2014 Proceedings of DPI Dt. 01/11/2014
Eligibility to the family members of former Government employees who
were in receipt of compassionate allowance - Clarification -
Dt. 20/10/2014